Empty medication and pill bottles fall under our plastic with a twist-off lid guideline and are accepted in your Curb It! cart! Before tossing a medication bottle in, please make sure it is empty and you've either taken the label off or blacked out the information on it with a permanent marker. 

What Do I Do With Old Medication?
  • National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day: Communities team up with local law enforcement to provide take-back locations each year, where residents can drop-off unneeded prescription medications. 

  • Year-Round Prescription Drop-Off Locations: There are many year-round drop-off locations around the metro. Find a location near you.

  • Wrap & Trash: If the above options aren't convenient, we simply ask you mix the medications with other trash such as kitty litter, coffee grounds or food waste, then double bag the material and place it in the trash. 
Don't Flush! 

Flushing medications down the toilet is not a safe or smart option. Across Iowa and the nation, prescription drugs are detected in rivers, waterways and groundwater, affecting fish and wildlife.