Garbage is Regulated to Protect Environment

We’ve come a long way since dumping trash by the river somewhere. Whether hauled from a business or your home, garbage is highly regulated and must be disposed of the correct way in the correct place. Per the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, comprehensive planning areas are in place to ensure Iowa cities and counties can plan accordingly and work toward reducing what goes into our Iowa landfills. Our two Metro Waste Authority landfills look to reduce waste and protect the environment. That’s why we call them Sanitary Landfills!

Check out areas we are permitted to receive waste from:

Metro Park East

  • All cities and the unincorporated areas in Polk County
  • Cities of Carlisle, Hartford and Norwalk in Warren County
  • Cities of Mingo and Prairie City in Jasper County

Metro Park West

  • City of Jefferson in Greene County
  • Cities of Dawson, Linden, Minburn, Perry, Redfield and Waukee and the unincorporated areas in Dallas County

South Dallas County Landfill

(Not managed by Metro Waste Authority)

The South Dallas County Landfill, located in Adel, only accepts waste from the city of Adel.