Eco Advocates
Eco Advocates are ambassadors for all the things Metro Waste Authority is passionate about, from recycling and garbage to environmental stewardship. Equipped with seasonal content prompts, cool swag, and main character energy, Eco Advocates help Metro Waste Authority create relevant and authentic short-form content in their homes, schools, and communities.
Adopt A Stream
Adopt a Stream connects us directly to our streams - so we can clean them, enjoy them, and celebrate the improvements in our water quality and soil erosion over time. As we become ever better water and soil stewards, we'll see improvements in the health of our lands and people.
Event Recycling Stands ![Recycling Stand]()
Even small events can produce large amounts of waste. That's why Metro Waste Authority provides recycling stands for community events (large and small), free of charge. We understand there are many details to consider when planning an event, so Metro Waste Authority wants to help make it easier for Central Iowans to collect recyclables once the fun is over.
The size of the event will be the biggest factor in determining whether event planners want to manage recycling themselves or outsource the work. Either way, we've got tips to make it run smoothly! View our Event Recycling Guide for more information.
Cleanup Supplies
![Clean Up Supplies]()
Litter Grabbers, Gloves & Vests
Metro Waste Authority offers supplies for clean-ups. Whether you are planning a river, park, or street clean-up, items like litter grabbers, leather gloves, and safety vests are often needed to protect volunteers. A deposit is required, and all items must be properly cared for and cleaned prior to being returned.
Return/Cleaning Requirements
Deposits are fully refundable if equipment and materials are returned in clean and reusable condition:
- Ensure clean-up supplies and/or duffle bags are free of mud, grass, sand, gum, etc.
- Wipe down the litter grabbers with soap and water.
- Remove any other forms of debris from the clean-up supplies and/or duffle bag(s).
Lost or damaged
Should any item be lost or returned damaged or unusable (beyond normal wear and tear), you will be assessed a fee of:
- $5/grabber
- $10/pair of leather gloves
- $5/high visibility vest
- $20/duffle bag
Reserve Cleanup Supplies